who we are
Crossroads Staff
Julie Johnson, Raelynn Schroeder, Jim Hibma and Chris Allen
Crossroads of Pella is a local non-profit organization that exists to help people. Crossroads meets people where their need is and works with them to find a solution. Crossroads continues to develop educational services and programs designed to meet the real and changing needs within our community.
DIRECTOR: Jim Hibma, LISW (licensed social worker and counselor)
BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Dave Balk, Cindy Eekoff, Pam Fitzsimmons, Nick Fynaardt, Mike Maakestad, Alison Smith, Amy Thorson and Dan Vermeer
Crossroads of Pella is community supported, first call source of help and encouragement for area residents.
Crossroads of Pella started in 1983 during the farm crisis. At that time, leaders in the community realized that those needing help were not seeking it. They were not going to the traditional helping agencies or churches. Therefore, a new independent agency was created to help. Over the years, every effort has been made to provide services at no cost, including counseling. Crossroads has been the birthplace of many organizations in Pella, now able to operate on their own.
Crossroads is funded through tax deductible contributions from people like you. Our support comes from caring individuals who realize the need for the unique services we provide. Contributions to Crossroads may be sent to:
Crossroads of Pella
712 Union Street, Room 301
Pella, Iowa 50219